How to support us

Do you like what we do? Please support us. You can do this in four different ways. Thank you for thinking about it!


Become a team member and contribute your time - from one hour a year to one hour a day. It is completely up to you.

Take part in our research projects or help us with administration. For example, we need people who can create beautiful images for this website, besides many other things.


Donate money via Paypal Donate - any amount is welcome! We will issue you with donation receipts for your tax return. You can also donate money by bank transfer (please contact us for details).


Share your technological know-how and boost our research and development with your skills and ideas. Also, feel free to write your thesis with us.

Bring in your special sleeping or dreaming skills, e.g. your lucid dreaming experience for our experiments or your ability to fall asleep under "extreme" conditions.


Connect us with relevant people from your network who are interested in joining the institute or supporting us in one way or another.